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The investigation of environmental pollution on tetrachloroethylene and hydrocarbonic solvent in dry cleaning industry

There are three major objectives in this project. 1. To collect and compile Taiwan’s and international cases for the environmental pollution of tetrachlorethylene and hydrocarbonic solvent, and investigate the situation of Taiwan and international dry cleaning industry using tetrachlorethylene and hydrocarbonic solvent; 2.To collect the epidemiology study on using tetrachlorethylene and hydrocarbonic solvent in dry cleaning industry with experiences of Taiwan as well as other countries; 3. To analysis the current international official regulat ion strategy on dry cleaning industry for the use of tetrachlorethylene and hydrocarbonic solvent, research and development of Taiwan's future ban recommendations for tetrachlorethylene in dry cleaning industry. From the questionnaire results show that most of the Taiwan tetrachlorethylene industry use hydrocarbonic solvent, but with the tetrachlorethylene solvent may lead to human health risks, foreign use is also gradually showing a downward trend. Taiwan epidemiology study has no related articles. Therefore, this project is focused on the composition of dry cleaning agents and exposure scenario in Taiwan dry cleaning industry. In the epidemiological case of foreign workers due to dry-cleaning solvents, the workers in the workplace is exposed to mixed solvents, but only tetrachlorethylene has been identified as a solvent that may cause bladder cancer. There is limited evidence at this stage, so it is necessary to carry out more in-depth research to be conclusive. The proposed prohibition of the proposed program is proposed for future development under the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act and the Air Pollution Control Act. It is recommended that the future establishment/application of tetrachlorethylene for dry cleaning Operations, while strengthening the relevant labor safety and air pollution regulations.
Tet rachloroethylene, Hydrocarbonic solvent , Dry cleaning